Benefits Avocado For Facial Skin Care

Apart from avocado seeds benefits for health, avocado also has many other benefits such as for skin care. The skin becomes dry of course makes you feel insecure, to clean the face is the most important part of our body treatments or physical. To clean the skin is dry you can use a series cleanser according to skin type and can control the production of oil glands.
Benefits of Avocado For Facial Skin Care, benefits avocado
The use of a mask - a mask that is providing vitamins and moisture content is very useful to restore nutrients and water levels may be reduced during fasting. According to him, the kind of masks that can be used include hydra mask, a mask of vitamin C, or collagen mask.

Besides natural class of peeling (peeling that uses herbal ingredients) or microdermabrasi you can choose to help remove dead skin cells that cause dull skin.

Benefits of Green Tea For Oral Health

Green tea is already proven to provide a myriad of benefits for the body. One of the benefits of this tea is for oral dental health. Well, here are some benefits you can feel:
green-tea, Benefits of Green Tea, Oral Health

Reduce periodontal inflammation
A study by the American Academy of Periodontology in 2009 revealed that people drink at least one cup of green tea per day had a periodontal health (tissue supporting the teeth) are better than those who did not drink green tea.

Kill oral cancer cells
Polyphenols, antioxidants found in green tea, is believed to neutralize the risk of cancer caused by free radicals and can actually kill mouth cancer cells.

Inhibit the formation of dental plaque
Consuming this tea can prevent tooth decay. A new study shows drinking green tea or gargle use may inhibit the formation of dental plaque and prevent dental caries.

Preventing bad 'dragon'
A study from the University of Illinois found that components in green tea can inhibit the growth of oral bacteria and disrupt the production of hydrogen sulfide (the cause of bad breath). Thus, green tea helps maintain the freshness of the mouth.

Benefits and Reasons Why Should Eat Tomatoes

Part of the said tomatoes should be eaten after cooking to get the maximum nutrition. That's not entirely true. Although lycopene is absorbed most of the tomatoes are cooked, vitamin C and other enzymes contained in the most plentiful tomatoes in tomatoes that are not cooked. So, I suggest to combine the two. Enjoy tomatoes cooked in soups, stews, and curries. Eating raw tomatoes in salads, sandwiches, and salsa.

Reasons Why Should Eat More Tomatoes, benefits tomatoes
Research shows that lycopene contained in tomato yellow and orange are absorbed more leverage than the lycopene contained in tomato red. So do not forget to took time to eat both types of tomato. The following are the reasons and benefits why should eat tomatoes:

1. Tomato enriched with vitamin C, a nutrient that keeps your immune system stay strong.

2. Tomatoes contain phytonutrients (nutrients derived from plants including fruit) called lycopene which has been shown in some studies to have anti-aging and anticancer properties. Lycopene is effective against prostate and colon cancer.

3. Lycopene contained in tomatoes also helps fight damage to genes that could potentially cause disease.

4. Tomatoes stimulate the formation of amino acids karnitina proven in research to accelerate the burning of fat in the body more than 30 percent.

5. Research shows that lycopene contained in tomatoes, if consumed regularly, can reduce the risk of heart attack by 29 percent.

6. Inadequate intake of lycopene in food consumed by postmenopausal women is associated with osteoporosis.

7. Fresh tomatoes and tomato extract proven in studies to lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. Tomatoes are also shown to prevent blood clots (known as platelet aggregation), which is a risk factor for atherosclerosis

8. Tomatoes also contain other phytonutrients, including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaksantin, which is good for the eyes and helps protect your eyes from degeneration.

9. Tomatoes are delicious and versatile. Tomatoes can be incorporated in pasta, salads, soups, curries, stews, and a variety of your favorite dishes.

White Radish and Gynecology benefits of white radish

Many benefits vegetable off Chemical content of the tuber, including vitamin A, B1, B2, niacin, essential oil, choline, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and oxalic acid. As for the leaves contain essential oils, vitamin A and C and the seeds contain 30-40 percent fat oils and essential oils. These substances contain antibiotic against some bacteria and antioxidants.
White Radish, Gynecology benefits of white radish

Benefits of White Radish
The benefits of radishes are flatulence, dysentery, constipation, frequent belching, airway inflammation, cough. In addition to address influenza, high blood pressure, heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis and asthma, gas poisoning charcoal, cassava, and food mushrooms, radishes can prevent cancer, kidney stones, hardening of the liver, Lukar burns, ulcers, eczema, skin puree, and reduce excessive appetite.

White Radish benefits to treat ulcers

Blender or grated horseradish root to taste
Add white rice vinegar
then apply on the boil

White Radish benefits for treating eczema

Prepare the horseradish that has been shredded
Add ginger ale to taste
Stir and then apply on the affected part

White Radish benefits for burns caused by hot water

Prepare 100 grams of grated horseradish root
Then apply on the wound

White Radish benefits for treating asthma

Prepare 200 grams of radish tubers
Later in the juice
Add 50 cc of boiled ginger juice to a boil
Add honey to drink water while warm

White Radish benefits for cough

100 grams of radish tubers
9 grams of mandarin orange peel
boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc
then filtered and drunk while warm

White Radish efficacy for treating whooping cough

25 grams of the dried seeds lonak
plus finely ground sugar and warm water
and drink 3 times a day
Or use 100 grams of radish tubers
5 grains of white pepper and honey to taste steamed and eaten

White Radish efficacy for treating dysentery

100 grams of dried radish leaves
boiled with water to boil and becomes thick
and drunk as tea
Do it for 3-5 days
If the dysentery of long standing, dun use radishes plus enough chicken meat and then cooked into a soup
eaten after being cooked

White Radish efficacy for treating lung disorders accompanied by coughing up blood or nose bleeds

100 grams of white radish tubers
juiced and drunk
Do it every day

White Radish efficacy for gastrointestinal disorders

200 grams of radish tubers
fruit angco
cooked into a soup and drink 1-2 times a day

White Radish Efficacy for Influenza

250 grams of thinly sliced ​​radish tubers
sugar to taste
boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 300 cc
Filtered and drunk warm

White Radish efficacy for reducing excessive appetite

200 grams of radish tubers
200 grams of carrot root
in the juice and drink

White Radish efficacy for treating heart disease

250 grams of diced radish tubers
30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods boiled with 800 cc of water to the remaining 400 cc
Then filtered and the drinking water 2 times a day
Every time I drink as much as 200 cc

White Radish efficacy to cope with flatulence

150 grams of radish tubers
5 grams of dried mandarin orange peel
3 eggs clove
Cinnamon 1 finger
5 grams of nutmeg and cardamom 3 eggs
boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc
filtered and drunk the water

White Radish efficacy for Lowering high blood pressure
100 grams of fresh horseradish root juiced
taken 2 times a day every time I drink 150 grams
Or 100 grams of turnip bulbs and 1 grated apple and take water
Use water to blend 75 grams of celery
add mandarin orange juice and sugar to taste
then taken regularly

Health Benefits of Cabbage and Gynecology Cabbage

Health benefits of cabbage or many benefits cabbage for our bodies and as well as the content of cabbage. This plant is one of the oldest vegetables and believed to have originated in Asia and the Mediterranean. Currently, the cabbage is probably one of the most widely cultivated crop around the world in both tropical and semitropical regions.

Usefulness and efficacy of cabbage - cabbage disease to health benefits
Reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body
Treat skin diseases (crushed and then smeared the wound or oral / edible)
Lowers the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases and stroke
Cleaning the influence of alcohol in the blood
Reduce the risk of cataracts
Helps digestive health
Prevent anal cancer, gastric cancer and colon cancer (colon)
Accelerate the healing of ulcer pain
Skin care, Antioxidants in cabbage helps protect skin from free radical damage is known to cause signs of aging
Health Benefits of Cabbage, Gynecology Cabbage

The content of cabbage or cauliflower
Vitamin A
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin C
Ferulic acid

Cabbage or cabbage cooking tips
To get the maximum health benefits of cabbage, cooking cabbage avoid overcooking it can reduce the nutritional value of cabbage, especially vitamin C and nutrients are left will be more difficult to digest. Cabbage can be eaten with a variety of ways such as boiled, steamed, sauteed, pan-fried or even baked. But cabbage is the most nutritious when eaten raw. Add raw leaves are sliced ​​or shredded in vegetable salad to taste more delicious.

Cabbage is one of the greens are not inferior to the previous broccoli. With 10 existing benefits in cabbage such as preventing cancer, constipation, muscle pain, the risk of cataracts, and skin can also help you lose weight. Avoid cooking too ripe, and add cabbage into your salad as much as possible because cabbage is one of the recommended foods.